One-on-One Integral Coaching

My clients change.  This is something I say often.  And it is true. The vast majority of my clients achieve success for themselves. This is because I only work with clients who I believe will succeed with my style of Coaching and direction.

If I sense up-front that someone isn’t right for my approach, I’d rather not take their time or money.  Read below to find out if you and I were meant to be…

I offer one-on-one coaching services, by phone and online via a secure HIPAA compliant video service. Every client is unique and so the work I create for you reflects this. Your coaching experience will include:

  • Free 15 minute Phone Consult.
  • Assessment, a Clear Plan, and First Steps.
  • Reality Based Solutions & Goal Oriented Approach.
  • Processing of Resistances and Obstacles.
  • Accountability with Compassion.
  • Individualized Homework & Ongoing Support.

I take on clients who…

  • Who are looking for a long-term solution rather than a short-term fix.
  • Who are actively willing to do the work it takes to reach to meet their goal, reach a new level, and evolve.
  • Who are clear that they are ready to take massive action.
  • Who are ready to let go of blaming their ex, their parents, the system, the economy… you get the idea.

I look forward to working with you if …

  • You are ready to do the work it takes to get your goal accomplished.
  • You are ready to learn and change to achieve your outcome.
  • You take responsibility for your decisions and actions.

A few other things you should know about me.

  • Medication:  I cannot prescribe, nor am I a proponent of psychopharmaceuticals. That being said, I understand that medication can be a short-term buffer between “no longer” and “not yet”.  For most clients, there are great alternatives to anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications, including nutrition, Mindfulness training, and Resiliency coaching.
  • Approach: All work is done with a tailored, one-on-one approach working with me directly.  There are no use of scripts, light/sound goggles or canned resale of other people’s work.  In addition to weekly goal-oriented solutions, working with me often involves process goals or tasks done outside of the office. Yes, I give”homework”. :)
  • Pricing:  The services I offer enable clients to make profound changes in their lives, usually very quickly.  I charge accordingly.

If you are serious about an ongoing 1:1 coaching relationship and have questions or would like to reach me, please do not hesitate in contacting me.

Or are ready to take the first step? Let’s get started…